me & the kids.
l o v e
Monday, November 29, 2010
what to blog about....
On a seperate note....I had a great Thanksgiving weekend full of relaxation, food, family/friends, & good deals shopping. :o) Also happy to say I have less than 3 weeks until my Christmas break starts! That is all!
May God our Father give you grace and peace.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
a person or thing that affords evidence.
Monday, November 15, 2010
"For wherever your treasure is....
there the desires of your heart will be also." Luke 12:34
I love this verse even though it's one that can often be convicting for me. It's convicting because another saying that goes along with this verse is that where your mind wanders is where your heart is. When your mind wanders where does it most often go? It shows you if you are focused on earthly things or are you focused on God and his will for you? I wish I could say my mind always wanders to Godly things, but I would be totally lying. My mind often wanders to earthly desires and it often disgusts me when I actually think about it. I am hoping that as I spend more time in the word and in prayer God will reveal to me what it is that he wants most of me and I can focus myself on that.
On a seperate note....I head to the Dr. tomorrow morning, hoping all goes well....been having some issues. Felt better today though after prayer with the pastor's wife yesterday. And I am going to leave you all with another verse I read today.....(comforting knowing that there is one thing that is constant)...
Revelation 1:8 "I am the Alpha and the Omega-the beginning and the end. I am the on who is, who always was, and who is still to come-the Almighty One."
Sunday, November 14, 2010
That's all for tonight, so I will leave you with verse 2 as well, "May God give you more and more mercy, peace, and love. "
Monday, November 8, 2010
1. Thankful for a great Mom & Dad that did such a great job raising me, although I may have questions things at the time. :o)
2. Thankful for Malaki who is a Mama's boy to the max! He cried and layed in his bed for a half hour after I left for work this morning because he was so upset that it was Monday and time for me to go back to work again.
3. Thankful for Jaylee who is so sweet and affectionate and has personality like WHOA!
4. Thankful for my job that I really, really enjoy.
5. Thankful for the amazing church I have now been attending for about a year and a half.
6. Thankful for my best friends Lindsey who is always there for me & can always make me laugh.
7. Thankful for the experiences I was allowed to have while attending IWU. College days were seriously the best ever.
8. Thankful for God's protection in my life in many areas.
9. Thankful for my sister sending me the book, "Power of a Praying Wife" which is the perfect book for me right now.
10. Thankful for all the food I have to eat. I think I sort of have food issues, but I feel so happy & content with a large variety of food in my house.
11. Thankful for all my sisters....we are all so different, but it makes for good laughs and good conversation.
12. Thankful for living so close to my work that I can walk or ride my bike each day.
13.Thankful for the ability to run, (even though I haven't been doing it much lately), I am thankful that I have the ability to do so because it makes me very happy and just feel good all around.
14. Thankful that God has allowed me to serve him by using some of my gifts he gave me.
15. Thankful for the great worship music I have on my itouch right now.
16. Thankful for facebook so that I can keep up with my family easier that I am far away from.
17. Thankful that I was able to visit my family in Michigan so much this year....I miss them a lot.
18. Thankful for the beautiful things God created in nature....different landscapes.
19. Thankful that the time is getting closer where I may live in a house instead of an apartment....(no set date, I just know it's getting I just have to pray to figure out where we are supposed to buy)
20. Thankful for God's forgiveness or forgivingness? I dunno....but I am thankful for it cuz man do I really mess up quite a bit.
21. Thankful for the changes the Lord has made in my heart within the last 3 months or so.
22. Thankful that within the last year I am finally able to read the Bible because I want to and actually be able to understand and learn from a lot of it.
23. Thankful for my co-workers.....we are all very different, but I learn things from every single one of them and they are a great group of people.
24. Thankful for my very comfortable bed....might sound silly, but seriously you spend a good portion of your life on it, so I am just glad I have one that I really like and I kinda feel like a queen in it. :o) (yes I know that I am special)
25. Thankful for all of the great information we have access to over the world wide web....sounds weird, I know, but seriously....if used carefully the internet is a great source of information and avenues to further His kingdom.
26. Thankful that my kids both love going to church so far....we'll see how long I can have this continue.
27. Thankful my kids are both active and busy bodies like me so they love it when I take them all over the place.
28. Thankful that Plato's Closet is now located 1/4 mile from me so that I can get my fashion fix by bargain shopping there.
29. Thankful that no one has made any comments to me about how I don't proof read my blog posts very well or at all.
30. Thankful I am done with this post because a) it started to get difficult doing all 30 at once instead of day by day & b) I wanna go to bed. :o)
31. I had to come back and add this one....I have no idea how I forgot to put this on the list...but about 12 hours later while at work I realized I had forgotten it and this one just cannot be left off of the 31 it it....I am thankful for Floyd! An amazing husband who cares for me, provides for me, and just loves me, (oh, & he's pretty good lookin too)!
**So some Thankful things were deep while others were quite shallow, but still I am thankful for them all!**
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Letting go of expectations...
"Let go of as many expectations as possible. The changes you try to make happen in your husband, or that your husband tries to make in himself to please you, are doomed to failure and will bring disappointment for you both. Instead, ask God to make any necessary changes. He will do a far better job because 'whatever God does, it shall be forever. Nothing can be added to it, and nothing taken from it' (Ecclesiastes 3:14) Accept your husband the way he is and pray for him to grow. Then when changes happens, it will be because God has worked it in him and it will be lasting. 'My soul, wait silently for God alone, for my expectation is from Him' (Psalm 62:5) Your greatest expectation must be from God, not your husband."
This all makes so much sense to me and reaffirmed how I was already feeling about things. Any thoughts anyone?
Well I am VERY tired so I need to sign out. May God our father give you grace & peace.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Being a wife.
Some seperate thoughts:
1. I finally got my tattoo this weekend, but for some reason can't get a pic to go on this blog right now so you'll have to check my FB if you wanna see it. I really like it, cuz it was really something for me, & it's really special to me.
2. Having my BFF in town was amazing! I love having another girl in the house that just gets me! We laugh & have so much fun just doing whatever.Can't wait until she visits again.
3. I did almost half of my Bible study HW for tomorrow & will hopefully have time to do some more tomorrow night before I have to head over there...I kinda don't like this HW cuz I am unsure on some answers and kinda hate being wrong.
4. Tomorow is voting day and I did find out where my voting location is and am going to attempt to go vote....probably won't vote on everything though because I didn't have time to research everything.
5. I cannot believe Jaylee is turning 2 this week! My does time fly! She is the sweetest thing you could ever imagine!
6. I love Halloween candy!
May God our Father give you grace & peace.