me & the kids.

me & the kids.
l o v e

Thursday, August 26, 2010

LONG lessons....

Do you ever feel like God teaches you a lesson through something and it seems to be a really, REALLY long one?? I am still in the middle of one of those right now and I am wondering when it will complete itself. I was sitting here and thinking to myself/sort of talking to God and thinking you know, I got this, I get the lesson, haven't I passed yet so I can stop suffering the consequences and move on!? But then I remembered, hmmm....who am I to tell God when I have learned the lesson He is trying to teach me? I didn't create the lesson, HE did. I may have learned a lesson, but maybe I haven't learned it fully or maybe there is more to it that I haven't gotten yet. So here I am, telling myself to be patient, and to be open to learning more, and to not worry about the suffering part because God won't give me more than I can handle and He will be there through it all. So am I the only one with the extended lessons or are there others right now in the middle of a big unit plan or something?? Let me know, it may make me feel better. :o) On a seperate note, I finally got a new pair of running shoes so I need to get back to pounding the pavement again cuz there is nothing better than that! My runs will undoubtedly (sp?) give me more randrom things to write about because I think a lot during my runs and my thoughts are always daisy-chaining. And I will end this with one of the verses that I read last night: "...for he chose us in advance, and he makes everything work out according to his plan." (Ephesians 1:11)
May the Lord our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ give you grace and peace.

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