I think everyone has something they do to help them feel comforted during different times. Some of us eat certain foods, some may watch certain movies, or make ourselves busy w/various tasks or activities. Some of us realize we do these things and even do them intentionally while others don't realize in the moment that they are doing that. My comfort activity is shopping. I love, LOVE to shop any time, but I especially like to shop when I am stressed out. Someone who has looked at some past credit card statements would see that ;o /......it's something I am working on for a few reasons: 1. obviously I don't want to spend $ I don't have or waste $ I do have, but also 2. when I am trying to comfort myself with shopping I am not allowing God to be my comfort. I need to realize that it's not only OK, but it's necessary to rely on God...he wants us to! I did spend some time locating and downloading a few new worship songs over the weekend.....one of which I played quite a bit and then it was the first song they sang when I got into church this morning. :o) Love my church! (which daisy chains me into another thought)....I am really starting to feel more at home where I am at....which is sort of one of my stressors right now...there is still part of me that misses my family & friends so much & hates missing things at home and when I think of getting a house here I don't know what to do because the area I live in is pretty expensive to buy a home in....but I really, really don't want to move to another part of the valley. I am going to pray that God would open some opportunities for housing close to where we rent now or that he would make clear the alternative plans because right now there are so many options and I just am clueless and to what to do. In less than a week I will be at home with my family which I am very excited about. I need to relax and soak up the time with them because after this the next time I will be home will likely be next summer because the holidays are just too expensive to travel and the weather is unpredictable with flights and all. Well that's all for tonight because I need to go do some cleaning and whatnot.
May God our Father give you grace & peace.
I really enjoy shopping too.....but I would have to say that my stress reliever is TALKING...I really think that I need to do less running my mouth to people when I am stressed and more spending time with the LORD and sharing with him and trying to listen:)