me & the kids.

me & the kids.
l o v e

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Letting go of expectations...

The small section I read in my "Power of a Praying Wife" book today was on letting go of expectations. Now in this book they are referring to expectations of your spouse, but I think it applies greatly to other areas of life  as well. I can remember numerous times when a friend has said they were going to call me, said we were going to do something, etc. & never happened. I used to be so upset by this because I was raised as a person of my word. If I say I am going to do something you can consider it done w/o a doubt. (side note: you can still consider it done if I say something now, but these kids of mine sometimes makes it take awhile longer to accomplish the goal :o)) Since these times of being upset I decided to change things to avoid my hurt feelings and frustrations. Now if I have a friend who says we are going to do something a certain I attempt not to plan other major things, but I still go about my daily business aware that I may get a call but not 100% expecting to. I figure if I am out doing something when they call it's not a big deal because they can just wait a little bit til I can make it over because I was on their time table and now thay are on mine. :o) I know it may sound weird and it's kind of embarassing to admit my hurt feelings from things like this, but oh well, I am just being honest. Ever since I have adopted this new attitude or these different expectations things have improved greatly for me. Do I think you should do away with all expectations? Of course not, but I think there are some things I can flex on and should to avoid certain outcomes or situations. The following is a paragraph from this section in my book....the paragraph is more directly referring to your spouse, but I really, REALLY like it:
"Let go of as many expectations as possible. The changes you try to make happen in your husband, or that your husband tries to make in himself to please you, are doomed to failure and will bring disappointment for you both. Instead, ask God to make any necessary changes. He will do a far better job because 'whatever God does, it shall be forever. Nothing can be added to it, and nothing taken from it' (Ecclesiastes 3:14) Accept your husband the way he is and pray for him to grow. Then when changes happens, it will be because God has worked it in him and it will be lasting. 'My soul, wait silently for God alone, for my expectation is from Him' (Psalm 62:5) Your greatest expectation must be from God, not your husband."
This all makes so much sense to me and reaffirmed how I was already feeling about things. Any thoughts anyone?
Well I am VERY tired so I need to sign out. May God our father give you grace & peace.

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