me & the kids.

me & the kids.
l o v e

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Hope. Love. Encourage.

Hebrews 10:23-25 "Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise. Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near."

This scripture sounds familiar so I am sure that I have heard it in a sermon before or in between snoozing in my college New Testament class :o) (sorry Dr. Smith), but I REALLY liked reading it myself. This scripture clearly lays out how we should function....have hope, love one another, & encourage one another. As I mentioned in a previous post part of this challenge our pastor gave us was to do an hour of service for the church each week. I have been teaching preschool Sunday School twice a month, but the thought of doing that every week is not too exciting to me. It's not that I don't like's just difficult to schedule around my two little kids (because it's hard to teach with them both in there) and then also I teach all week already! I got the pleasure of sitting near that most fantastic woman on my first flight to Indy last weekend and she gave me what I believe may be the perfect idea for my "service". At her church they have a program called "Loving Pens," they get a list of people from their pastor who could use a card in the mail that week and the people in this group write a loving and encouraging message to them from the church. Immediately when the lady told me about this I thought it was perfect for me! I already like to do things like this for friends and family. Doing this as my service also has more flexibility which means it won't pull me away from my kids even more than my everyday work schedule. I have yet to pitch the idea to my pastor, but I thought I would shoot him an email tomorrow and hope he likes the idea. The verse above tells me that I need to be doing more of these types of things. I know I am busy with work and family, but I know there are still things I could cut out of my life to have more room for these other more important tasks that God has layed before me.

 Today I did officially buy a ticket home for fall break, (which is only in about 2 weeks), since I won't be home at all over the holidays. I am very excited to go, but probably not half as excited as Malaki. We went to Target tonight to buy him a small rolling suitcase because I think he is big enough to roll his own carrry-on & save Mommy some $ by not checking a bag! :o) Jaylee also got the most darling hoodie from Target so she is also ready to head to the midwest as well! Well my eyes are burning, I better head to bed!

May God our Father give you grace and peace.

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