me & the kids.

me & the kids.
l o v e

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Im not dead...

So I know it's been forever since I have written a blog and this one probably shouldn't even count as one, but I just wanted to say I am alive!.....just recovering from my trip home. The trip home seemed to fly by so fast, but it was so nice to see my family even if for just a brief time like that. The trip home was good all around because I came home ok with being home. Confused? Well....what I mean by that is that I really enjoyed visiting, but I was ok with coming home and knowing that Scottsdale is my home. Do I know that I will be here forever? No, but I am ok with it being my home for however long. Does it mean I don't miss home? No, but I just realize that this is where I am supposed to be. I realized that I love my family--which makes me love the midwest, but if I sit around Scottsdale constantly wishing I were somewhere else than I am not fulfilling my purpose God has for me in Scottsdale. I need to live in the present and seek God's will for me in the here and now! I need to be living intentionally, if that makes any sense to anyone besides myself. ;o) I am still extremely tired from my trip & the choas of being back at home & work so I need to head to bed. I will really try to get a good one in tomorrow.
May the Lord Jesus Christ give you grace and peace.


  1. Makes perfect sense. Isn't it the best when you feel content where you are? I am so guilty too of "the grass is always greener" syndrome....God has taught me alot about that in Senegal and being back. Right now I'm totally enjoying where we are - thankful for that. I'm happy you felt that way too...that's awesome. Love you friend!

  2. I have found that kind of peace recently as well and realized that I can be happy with my life just as it is, knowing that living my life in the here and now is what is meant for me. It's such a feeling of relief! And also gives me the ability to find joy in the little things. =)
